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MiniCabRide For Business
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If you have or want to make any changes to your booking. For example, Pickup Location, Dropoff Location, Time or Date of booking, or you want to upgrade your vehicle. Kindly follow the step-by-step procedure given below:
1. First, make sure that your booking is confirmed or not.

2. You can make sure that your booking is confirmed by checking your email.
3. If your booking is confirmed, you will get a confirmation mail.

4. But if you haven’t confirmed your booking, you can update or amend your booking just by clicking the edit button.

5. Or if your booking is confirmed, you can amend or update your booking by emailing us at info@minicabride.com.
6. Or you can contact our helpline 24/7 or just WhatsApp us at +442070050090 our agent will help you amend your booking.