What are the benefits of MiniCabRide’s Business Account?

With ‘MiniCabRide for Business’, you get access to our brand-new Business Dashboard, specifically designed to make booking a quality cab service at a great price as easy as possible. The user-friendly dashboard enables you and your team to book and manage your business trips with just a few clicks. The dashboard is accessible from any device so that you can make bookings on the go, and it allows you to see all your trips in one place, giving you complete control over your travel expenses.

The Business Dashboard also allows you to set up multiple users, so your team can make bookings and manage travel arrangements. This feature is particularly useful for businesses with multiple employees who travel frequently, as it lets you track all your travel expenses in one place. Additionally, the dashboard provides detailed reporting, which enables you to analyze your travel expenses and identify areas where you can save money. Overall, the Business Dashboard is an essential tool for any business looking to streamline travel arrangements and save money on travel expenses.

With ‘MiniCabRide for Business, you can:   

1- One way to ensure the safety of member invitations for your business account is by sending them securely.
2- Establishing teams can be an effective strategy for coordinating and overseeing your members.
3- To facilitate official travel booking, authorized members are granted access to log in and utilize either their assigned or personal payment cards to make the necessary transactions.
4- Individuals can make a reservation for their transportation or reserve transportation for another individual. Members can access and control these reservations through their accounts.
5-The system enables access to the comprehensive booking history of all members, along with the capability to make modifications or cancel reservations on their behalf.
6-Efficiently retrieve invoices for individual team members or the entire team with ease. You have the option to download separate invoices or multiple invoices in bulk.
7- More Option Is Coming Soon!